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Power Systems (Fossil Hydro Nuclear)

SBUS20 ARCNET Network Interface Modules for SBUS Computers

Contemporary Control Systems

The SBUS20 series of ARCNET Network Interface Modules links SBUScompatible computers with ARCNET local area networks. SBUS interfacingto the 20 private bus (PBus) is handled by the MC92005 SBUS slaveinterface controller which provides high-speed transfer of ARCNET data tothe SBUS master. ARCNET is classified as a token-bus LAN operating at2.5 Mbps while supporting 255 nodes.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.3

Contemporary Control Systems
2512 Wisconsin Av
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Phone: 6309637070
Fax: 6309630109